Have your camera ready.


You’ll never know when an osprey appears with a catfish in its claws, or the light suddenly turns dramatic. Whether early morning in a kayak or late at night on a rocky outcrop, there is always an unexpected surprise.

Enjoy this collection of images made possible by always having my camera nearby.

Bald Eagle and Ground Hog, Georgian Bay, 2021


Bucks in the Bay

Who knew they could swim 2km? Georgian Bay near Dillon Cove, 2021

the Bay from above


Capturing the Canadian Shield from 400 feet in the air completely changes the way you see the outcrops and ridges around Franklin Island. After obtaining a drone pilot license in January 2021, I’ve been searching for the photogenic qualities of Georgian Bay from a bird’s eye view. And don’t forget to look for my yellow kayak.

Savage Rocks, near Franklin Island, 2021

Margaret Island, between Franklin Island and the Minks, 2021

Shebeshekong River, Winter 2022

explore the night skies


Milky Way, shooting stars, asteroids? The dark skies on the east shores of Georgian Bay have revealed all of that, and more. Can you count the faint shooting stars in the first image?


capture winter

Two short videos illustrate some unexpected patterns, revealed in winter, from the interaction of natural phenomena and human action


ready to open the mind


As I write this in January 2022, the prospect of travel still seems very distant. Yet, it is such a source of creative and spiritual renewal, I need to return to it soon. When travel resumes, I’ll be posting blog entries and new photos that opened my mind.

explore the site






“The photographer’s power lies in an ability … to produce a heightened sense of reality, a kind of super realism that reveals the vital essences of things.”

Edward Weston in Camera Craft, 1939

Thank you for visiting.